So you made it to the finish line! Homework is complete, proofread, and in the backpack. Dinner service, check! Bubble bath, check! School clothes laid out for tomorrow, the whole nine! You finally get a moment to wipe the sweat from your brow and actually SIT down. It’s the final stretch of the marathon . . . the bedtime book and then those precious goodnight hugs and kisses. After much debate about which book to read tonight, you finally get to read the book and tuck your lil’ one in. You’re so close to finish line of today’s Mommy Duties you can taste it (or the glass of wine and dark chocolate you set to chill in the freezer after dinner). But not yet, as you tuck the sheet in, the little person (or people, God Bless you!) pops up and asks “How much do you love me mommy?” And then it begins—I love you this much; to the moon and stars; to infinity and beyond; A bazillion times a bazillion; the universe. And it just keeps going . . . and going. Baby bear knows Mama Bear cannot resist a conversation about love. Suddenly, what should’ve take just one more minute, is edging past ten minutes! (Does wine freeze?) Have you ever been there moms?
This my friends is where LUMBI comes in.
Lumbi, the ONE magical word that means I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!
(and whatever additional astronomical metrics your child requires). Take your family’s ginormous goodnight love equation and swap it for LUMBI. Pronounced lum-bee; try it! It’s got a little ring to it. I promise you and your kids will love it!
Ahhhhhhhh!!! The finish line . . . bath . . . book . . . kisses & hugs . . . LUMBI! (Helloooooo Mommy time!)
What do you do to speed up your bedtime routine? What slows it down? Let me know if lumbi loves makes a difference in your put down routine!
Thank you! More is coming!!